Dog Tick Collar FAQs

tick collar for dogs faqs

Dog tick collars can be a useful as a preventative tool in preventing dog ticks. However, they're not appropriate for every pet in every situation. If you have more than one dog and they will be playing together they could ingest the tick collar ingredients or even the tick collar itself. Also, if you or your children will be handling your dog you could get the ingredients on your hands or in your mouth. In such situations, you may wish to consider a monthly topical spot on or flavour tab tick control product.

Are tick collars the most effective way of preventing ticks?

There are times when cheap tick collars for dogs can be a very valuable tool, especially for pets spending most of their time outdoors. They are not the best form of protection alone but can be beneficial when used in conjunction with a topical tick control product. As with any insecticide products, sensitivities, adverse drug interaction and side effects can occur.

Can tick collars be worn by all dogs?

Some dog tick collars are not suitable for senior, pregnant or nursing dogs and most collars are not suitable for pets three months and under.

Is it dangerous to have the chemical exposed to my home and family?

Essentially the poison product is located directly on the dog tick collar and therefore can rub off on anything it comes into contact with including small children, other animals and your home environment. It is important to always wash your hands after touching the dog on every occasion.

How do the collars work?

Tick repellent chemicals are continuously released from the tick collar on your dog and spread over the pet in the natural oils of the hair, coat and skin. These tick repellent chemicals then adhere to the hair and skin and provide continuous protection.

Can I leave my dog's tick collar on when I take him swimming?

There are some water resistant dog tick collars however, they are seldom actually water proof and should be removed for bathing and may not last as long on dogs frequently in the water as it may decrease the integrity of the product.

How should the collar be worn?

It is always best to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the specific product you are using. The tick collar should fit snugly around the dog's neck in order to make skin contact and to ensure that your dog cannot remove it. Generally, you should be able to place two fingers under the collar. Any additional length should be cut off and disposed of. Do not allow dogs or children to play with cut-off pieces. Re-check the fit of the collar frequently, especially in growing dogs, to make sure the collar has not become too tight. Collars don't last forever, and the effectiveness will be reduced if the collar gets wet. Remove and replace tick collars as necessary, and monitor your pet for irritation or hair loss around the neck.

When should I change the collar?

Always change the tick collar according to the manufacturer's directions, to ensure consistent protection.

Where is the best place to buy dog tick collars?

You can buy dog tick collars at your vet or pet store but the best place to buy cheap tick collars for dogs is at online stores like

What is the best dog tick collar?

The two leading brands of tick collar for dogs are Preventic by Virbac and Kiltix by Bayer.
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